Shared stylesCompared to Sketch 2 the linking of styles has been slightly optimized in Sketch 3 (read my original tip).Resize layers with the keyboardSometimes pixel-precision is a must if you edit shapes; Sketch makes it very easy to apply this accuary.Advanced image editingAnother area where Sketch 3 catched up much compared to its predecessor is image editing (read my initial tip).View optionsThere are several viewing options and aids in Sketch, which can easily be hidden/shown with shortcuts.ExportingOne of the features that changed (and improved) a lot in Sketch 3 is exporting. Earlier it was an entirely separate workflow and always felt a bit clunky.Maximize available spaceEspecially at smaller screens think MacBook Air the workspace of Sketch can get crowded pretty fast with the Layers List on the left and the Inspector on the right. Dublicate and repeatA neat trick I have discovered recently in Sketch is the ability to quickly dublicate and repeat layers by the same distance.Quickly change opacityAlthough Sketch and Photoshop couldn't be more different, they have a few things in common presumably on purpose.MaskingOne of the essential abilities of any graphical application is masking. Although Sketch is mainly based on vectors and not designed for image editing, it still has some basic functionality here enough to embellish your mock-ups.Quick exportingWhile the Export option in Sketch is pretty straightforward and easy to use there is an even simpler way to save your files.Click-through when selecting layersThe more layers and layer groups you have in your document, the harder it gets to select individual layers. Layer list optionsLike in every application, the true power of Sketch lies within its shortcuts.Show artboard previewWhen you are working on a design for your app or website it's often litereally hard to see the big picture.Simple bitmap editingAlthough Sketch is based on vectors, there is still a very basic possibility to crop bitmap images. You just need to insert the image, double-click on it and draw a border around the area you want to delete.