Populate with Realistic DataPopulate text layers with realistic data Tag: contentImages ReinventedGroup, mask, crop, resize and repositionTag: photosArtboard ManagerAutomatically arranges the position of all ArtboardsTag: presentationNumber ArtboardsNumber Artboards in orderTag: presentationTrue Design Version Control A proper version control tool for designersTag: integrationFind and ReplaceSimple find and replace on text within layersTag: textSwap StylesSwap styles between two layersTag: stylePalette StripesGenerate palette stripes from shape fills.Tag: styleSuper ShapesGenerate complex shapesTag: content,photosSearch EverywhereSearching and selecting layersTag: integrationOmgiconPlugin that helps you to wireframe things fasterTag: content,photosBatch Create SymbolsConvert a bunch of Layers to SymbolsTag: contentSync to Google SlidesSync your Sketch artboards to Google Slides with easeTag: integration,exportIconfontInsert and manage icons from icon fontsTag: text