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Media, Minorities, and Meaning

A Critical Introduction

von Debra L. Merskin (Autor:in)
©2023 Lehrbuch XXII, 450 Seiten


This book is an examination of how American mass media, including advertising, presents Otherness – anyone or anything constructed as different from an established norm – in terms of gender, race, sex, disabilities, and other markers of difference. Using a mythological lens, the book looks below the surface of media content to explore the psychological, social, and economic underpinnings of a system of beliefs that result in prejudice, discrimination, and oppression. Designed to raise awareness of the foundations of historically-based inequities in the American social, cultural, and economic milieu, the author shows how inequalities are maintained, at least in part, by mass media, popular culture, and advertising representations of Otherness. The book aims to increase awareness of stereotyping in the media, and expose how the construction of people as Others contributes to their marginalization. Written in an accessible and engaging style, with student-friendly discussion questions and resources, this book is suitable for upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate courses.


XXII, 450
ISBN (Paperback)
ISBN (Hardcover)
2023 (Mai)
Mass media Inequalities advertising System of belief Discrimintaion stereotyping American mass media Inequities in the American social, cultural, and economic milieu Construction of people as Others
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2023. XXII, 450 pp., 22 b/w ill., 11 tables.

Biographische Angaben

Debra L. Merskin (Autor:in)

Debra Merskin is Associate Professor of Communication Studies in the School of Journalism & Communication at the University of Oregon.


Titel: Media, Minorities, and Meaning
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474 Seiten